Lets Try This Again

Hello fellow internet travelers! It’s been way too long.

Dusting off the blog and getting it up and operational has been on my to-do list for quite a while. With Fall just starting in my neck of the woods, now seemed like a perfect time!

First off, much of the software this site is built upon had updated over the last three years since I first launched this blog.

I work with Go frequently, I had that up to date already. Hugo, the static site generater this site uses, and the Hugo theme, Beautiful Hugo, were the bulk of the updating that needed done. A brew update command, a git submodule, some TOML file tweaks later, and we are cooking now!

The last couple house keeping items I also did was transfer the repository from Gitlab over to Github. I just prefer the UI/UX of Github right now over Gitlab’s. While moving origins, I also took the time to switch the master branch to main. I encourage others to do the same. If you need help, let Scott Hanselman help you.

Thanks to Netlify’s easy to use UI/UX, switching the production repository/branch from Gitlab to Github was just a few clicks away.

I look forward to posting on a more regular basis, expect some Go, a little DevOps, and anything else that looks interesting.